Updates - Technical Codex and Points Calculator

Technical Codex

We have just released a significant revision of the Intervention Technical Codex.

There's loads of new content, including rules for VBIEDs, Medical and Logistics units, laser designators, vehicle upgrades, and more.

We have also streamlined and clarified some of the existing rules to increase playability.

The updated Technical Codex can be bought from Wargame Vault here.


Points Calculator

We have also just updated the Unit Points Calculation Tool. The tool is now more comprehensive and puts more information at your fingertips. It has helpful hints if you have made a mistake and now includes costings for all special rules and weapon abilities found in the Technical Codex and Intervention Air Assault.

The next iteration should include fortifications and an overarching roster page.

The Unit Builder and Points Calculator are Pay What You Want and are also available from Wargame Vault.